About the Conference
Get ready to experience an unforgettable worship journey at this year’s Joysongs Conference!
The theme is "Thrive", and we’re diving deep into how we can flourish in every season of life through worship. How can we rise above challenges and empower our congregations to do the same? Join us as we explore these life-changing questions, with powerful sessions, dynamic worship, and an atmosphere charged with faith and inspiration.
Get ready to elevate your worship experience! Registration is now open for the 2024 Joysongs 'Thrive' Worship and Media Conference, happening October 11th to 13th! This is your opportunity to connect with worship leaders, musicians, and creatives from around the world for three days of inspiration, powerful worship, and hands-on learning.
We’re honored to feature speakers like Pastor Donnie Rosa, founder of Joysongs Music, who has been empowering churches in worship since 2002. Brett Younker from Passion Music, known for hits like 'Build My Life' and 'Worthy of Your Name', brings his passion for helping people encounter Jesus. Benny Prasad, a world-renowned instrumental gospel musician, offers hope and encouragement through his music and ministry.
The event kicks off with an unforgettable worship night led by Brett Younker on October 11th at 7 PM. On the 12th, dive into a full day of sessions, including a panel discussion with speakers and industry leaders on the future of worship and the impact of AI on worship. The conference wraps up with a special Sunday service, where Benny Prasad shares his experience traveling the world as a missionary.
Join us, along with experts like Doug Gould, Sheri Gould, James Orsini, and Ben John, for multiple sessions covering songwriting, worship leadership, sound mixing, the impact of AI, and more!
Visit Joysongsmusic.com to register today. Don’t miss this transformative weekend!"
7:30 pm | service
Worship Service with Brett Younker

friday, october 11th

saturday, october 12th
8 am | Registration & Check In
9-9:30 am | worship
Worship with Brett Younker
10-11 am | session one
Worship with Brett Younker
11:15 - 12:30 pm | session two
Benny Prasad
12:30 - 1:30 pm | lunch
1:30 - 2:30 pm | session three - breakaway
Pastor Donnie Rosa - Sanctuary - Building a Thriving Worship Environment
Sherri Gould – Kids Sanctuary - Vocal Training
Ben John - Library - Impact of AI on Christian Music
Doug Gould – Classroom 1 - Audio Training
2:30 - 3:30 pm | session four
Worshipping in the Digital Age: Navigating the Spiritual, Musical and Technological Landscape
3:30 - 4 pm | Closing session
Pastor Donnie Rosa - Mission of Joysongs and giveaways
9:30 - 10 am | opening session
Opening Session with Pastor Donnie Rosa

sunday, october 13th
10 am | sunday service
Worship with Joysongs Team
Message by Benny Prasad
© 2024 Joysongs
info@joysongsmusic.com | 973.463.9455